Creating Sitecore RSS Feed

 In this blog we will try to setup RSS Feed step by Step. I did try to set up using Sitecore RSS Setup Link 
but there are challenges you might come across during the Setup journey. I have tried my best to consolidate all the relevant errors with their solution. 


the very first thing we do is create RSS Item. Right click on Home Item and select Insert from template as shown below.

fig. 1

Select System -> Feeds -> RSS Feed  as shown below.

fig. 2

For the newly created RSS Feed Item, under Data -> Items, click on Insert Link a popup opens up, Select the Collection you want to keep an eye on in RSS feed. Remember to select the Parent as a sample please check below Image.

fig. 3

Click on the any Item in your collection (I assume all the Items are of same template, else select at least one of each type and repeat the below activity ). Click on  Presentation -> Design. A popup will open, select the Fields you want to see in your RSS feed.

fig. 4

Now its time to publish your Items. Publish the one from which you made the fig.4 changes.
Note: If you had multiple types here you will have more than one Item to publish.

Go to Publish -> Publish Item. 

fig. 5

Publish the Feed item created.

fig. 6

Now its time to check the work done. Go to Publish -> Preview


You might receive the page as shown below if this is the first Feed created. So after going through Sitecore RSS Setup Link you will still have to some work.

fig. 8
As this is for the first time Feed is getting installed into your Sitecore system, you will have to make Sitecore aware about the feed and allow it without Login. You need to add the given below code into Web.config file.
<location path="sitecore/shell/feeds">
      <allow users="?" />
<location path="sitecore/shell/applications/feeds">
      <allow users="?" />

Web.config file will be found where ever you have deployed your Sitecore Instance website. In below case it is wwwroot ->


fig. 10

Now try to hit the Feed once again. In the below case the feed name is SampleFeed.

fig. 11

Note the URL, in this case it is  "". We see that we have now made progress, we can now see the XML information. This is not the right view though. It is because Chrome browser used here do not have the RSS reader extension. So we will need to install the extension.

fig. 12


fig. 14

While I have added the code into Web.config file directly, I would suggest to further use best practice to add data into Web.config file.


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